Treasury Grant committee selection process
This process has been developed by the IOTA Governance Group members, which meets every Tuesday and Thursday in the IOTA Discord and has worked on all Governance-related topics in IOTA / Shimmer since June 2021.
All Meetings have been public and are available on YouTube
This group is the proposer of the Shimmer Community Grant Committee framework Version 2 , Version 1 for reference, and this post defines the selection process to become one of the members of this planned Community Grant Committee.
Nomination process:
Phase 1: Application letter in the Governance Forum
- People that want to be on the committee create an application in the forum introducing themselves.
- One forum category for Grant Reviewers, one forum category for the Program Lead
- Candidates can apply for both positions, but should a candidate be selected to become the Lead, this person cannot switch opinions later on and favor being just a Grant Reviewer. So the Reviewer position is always a second option for those that do not become Lead. Be aware that only candidates that have applied for Reviewer positions can become a Reviewer, so if you want to apply for the Lead but would also be happy with an alternative Reviewer position in case you are not selected to become Lead, you must also submit a Reviewer application.
- Applications must answer predefined questions.
- The Governance Forum Moderators will check and approve every application if it follows the defined conditions
- The application period for Phase 1 ends 24 hours before the Phase 2 Poll starts. Later submitted applications will not be accepted.
- The community can ask the candidates questions in the application thread in the forum (in a respectful manner). Raising a critique towards a candidate is also possible if it is brought forward with clear evidence and not just a conspiracy theory based on unsustained allegations. The @Governace_moderator will keep an eye on that, so everything is handled civilly and stay within the rules defined for the forum.
- The community can signal support for a candidate by voting, “Yes, I support this candidate,” in the candidate’s proposal poll.
- The Poll question must be placed at the bottom of an application post and is included in the template
Grant Reviewer Application - submit here
1.) Preferred Display Name and Age (If you do not want to enter your age, enter that you are above 21 years of age, which is the minimum)
Name: Enter your preferred name (as it will be shown to voters)
Age: Enter your age or state that you are above 21 years of age.
Social Media Handles
Twitter: Handle Here - (link here)
Discourse: Handle Here - (link here)
Reddit: Handle Here - (link here)
Linkedin: Handle Here - (link here)
Discord: Handle Here
Telegram: Handle Here
2.) What motivates you to apply for this position?
Enter text paragraphs here.
3.) What is your educational and professional background?
Educational Background
- Text Here
- Text Here
Web3/Crypto Background
- Text Here
- Text Here
Professional Background
- Text Here
- Text Here
4.) What experience do you have relevant to this position (grant reviewer, Project manager, etc.)? Please describe
Enter text paragraphs here.
5.) Are you a software developer? If yes, please provide info on your skills and proof of the projects you already have built/worked on (Github, languages, certificates, etc.)
Enter text paragraphs here.
6.) Do you have affiliations that may cause a conflict of interest when reviewing applications? The community would like to know particularly if reviewers are involved with projects as a creator, on the board, or employed. Please list any projects or applications you have affiliations to.
*Note: This will in no way prevent you from being elected to the position. It is the opposite. We seek experienced reviewers that are specialists in different industries. The reviewers with affiliations will not be able to review grants within their category; however, they will be great resources and act as subject matter experts.
7.) Are you willing to sign a legally binding service provider contract and reveal and verify your identity through a KYC process with the legal entity of the Treasury Committee?
Note: KYC is required for this position. If you are unwilling to KYC and sign a service provider contract, you will not be accepted to the Shimmer Community Treasury.
Yes/No - If yes, delete no and type statement: yes - I am willing to KYC and sign a service provider contract with the Shimmer Community Treasury.
8.) Can you commit 10 hours weekly on average to work as a grant reviewer for the Shimmer community over the next 12 months?
Yes/No - If yes, delete no and type statement: yes - I am willing and able to commit 10 hrs a week to the Shimmer Community Treasury.
9.) If you are voted in the top 2 reviewers, you may have the option to join the Growth Committee and work with the TEA representatives. In this case, you may be required to work hours over the required 10 hrs per week. Are you able to commit to this if required?**
Yes/No - If yes, delete no and type statement: yes - I am willing and able to commit to the Growth Committee and the Shimmer Community Treasury if required.
### 10.) Are you willing to sign a service provider contract, including an NDA with the Tangle Ecosystem Association, and respect the Non-Disclosure Agreement if selected as a member of the Growth Committee? Breaking the Non-Disclosure Agreement may bring consequences financially and or legally.
Yes/No - If yes, delete no and type statement: yes - I am willing to sign a service provider contract and Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA). I absolutely will respect all binding effects within such agreement contracts.
11.) Provide any web links or supporting documentation you would like the community to see when assessing you for the Shimmer Community Treasury Grant Reviewer position.
Enter text and web link below. (Example)
12.) What is your long-term vision of the Shimmer Community Treasury? How do you see the Community Treasury affecting the Shimmer & IOTA ecosystem, and what does the Shimmer & IOTA Ecosystem look to you in three years?
Enter text paragraphs here.
Committee Lead Application - submit here
1.) Preferred Display Name and Age (If you do not want to enter your age, enter that you are above 21 years of age, which is the minimum)
Name: Enter your preferred name (as it will be shown to voters)
Age: Enter your age or state that you are above 21 years of age.
2.) Social Media Handles
Twitter: Handle Here - (link here)
Discourse: Handle Here - (link here)
Reddit: Handle Here - (link here)
Linkedin: Handle Here - (link here)
Discord: Handle Here
Telegram: Handle Here
3.) What motivates you to apply for this position?
Enter text paragraphs here.
4.) What is your educational and professional background?
Educational Background
- Text Here
- Text Here
Web3/Crypto Background
- Text Here
- Text Here
Professional Background
- Text Here
- Text Here
5.) What experience do you have that is relevant to this position?
Enter text paragraphs here.
6.) In your opinion, which of the skills you obtain are the most important and valuable for this Grant Committee Lead position? If possible, provide proof of how and where you obtained those skills.
Enter text paragraphs here.
7.) Are you a software developer? If yes, please provide info on your skills and proof of the projects you already have built/worked on (Github, languages, certificates, etc.)
Enter text paragraphs here.
8.) Are you willing to reveal and verify your identity through a KYC process? Will you also sign a binding contract as a full-time team member with the legal entity of the Shimmer Community Treasury Committee?
Note: KYC is required for this position. If you are not willing to KYC and sign a full-time contract with the Shimmer Community Treasury legal entity, you will not be accepted to this position.
Yes/No - If yes, delete no and type statement: yes - I am willing to KYC and sign a part-time contract with the Shimmer Community Treasury.
9.) Can you commit to focusing the next 12 months solely on the Shimmer Community Treasury as Program Lead and be available 40 hrs a week, if not a bit more? As the Program Lead, you will not be able to work other side jobs or support other Dapp projects regularly. If acting against this, the committee will seek a replacement at that time.
Yes/No - If yes, delete no and type statement: yes - I am willing to focus all my time supporting the Shimmer Community Treasury as Program Lead for the next 12 months.
10.) As the Program Lead, you most likely will support the Shimmer Community Treasuries’ interest in the Growth Committee. This may require more time above and beyond the 40 hrs (paid hourly, of course). Are you willing to commit to this?
Yes/No - If yes, delete no and type statement: yes - I am willing to represent the community by participating in the Growth Committee with whatever time requirements are required.
11.) As a member of the Shimmer Growth committee, are you willing to sign a service provider contract with the Tangle Ecosystem Association and respect the included Non-Disclosure Agreement? Breaking the contract or Non-Disclosure Agreement may bring consequences financially and or legally.
Yes/No - If yes, delete no and type statement: yes - I am willing to sign a service provider contract and a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) with the Tangle Ecosystem Association and absolutely will respect all binding effects within such agreement contracts.
12.) Provide any web links or supporting documentation you would like the community to see when assessing you for the Shimmer Community Treasury Lead position.
Enter text and web link below. (Example)
13.) What is your long-term vision of the Shimmer Community Treasury? How do you see the Community Treasury affecting the Shimmer & IOTA ecosystem, and what does the Shimmer & IOTA Ecosystem look to you in three years?
Enter text paragraphs here.
Phase 2: Temperature Check Polls in the Forum
- All candidates with a minimum of 50 “yes” votes in the poll on their Phase 1 application letter post will be included in a multiple-choice Poll for the grant reviewers and another one for the Project Lead with only a single-choice per voter.
- Poll for the Grant Reviewers will include a minimum of 20 candidates from Phase 1
- Poll for the Project Lead will include a minimum of 10 Candidates from Phase 1
- Should fewer than 20 candidates (Grant Reviewers) or 10 Candidates (Program Lead) reach 50 “yes” votes in their Phase 1 application, the Phase 2 Poll will be filled up with the candidates that reached lesser votes until the required number of candidates is reached for the poll.
- Should lesser applications be submitted than required, the Poll will be conducted on all received applications.
- The candidate who received the most poll votes for his/her post in Phase1 will be on top of the poll list. Lesser likes mean a lower position in the poll - THIS is only visible for the first voter. As soon as one vote is cast, the candidates with the most received votes will always be shown on top (that’s how the polls in the forum work)
- In the Poll, candidates will be named with their preferred Display Name as stated in their application post, and the link to their application post in Phase1 will be included in the poll next to their name.
- Only Trust Level 1 forum members are allowed to vote in these polls
- Duration of the Poll: 7 days
- The top 10 candidates for the reviewer position and
- The top 10 candidates for the Lead decisions will go to a Firefly Vote in Phase 3.
- Voters are kept anonymous.
- Reviewer Poll: Every voter can submit a maximum of four votes.
- Programm Lead Poll: Every voter has only one vote
- The Polls will be created by the Forum Moderators
Phase 3: “On Tangle” Vote based on SMR Token holding with the Firefly Wallet
Due to the specific requirements of our voting feature in the Firefly Wallet, we have to go a special way here. In Firefly, a Question can have multiple answer options, but a voter can only vote for one answer to this question. This is not feasible for a “multiple-choice situation” to select four grant reviewers out of 10 candidates.
Solution: Instead of creating one question with multiple options, we create ten questions with only one option per question.
Like this, voters can give their votes to every candidate they want to be part of the committee separately.
Voters can only give Yes Votes to candidates, so they can decide how many candidates they support with their tokens. All tokens held in a Wallet of a Firefly profile will vote for every candidate the voter chooses. Not voting on a question (a candidate) will have no effect on the count.
Grant Reviewer candidate’s vote process Phase 3:
In the governance overview tab of the wallet, we will use the sentence:
- Cast your vote for Grant Reviewer candidate “Elon Musk / @elonmusk” here.
With the preferred Display Names of the candidates.
And for the direct vote execution, the question:
- Should Candidate “Elon Musk / @elonmusk” become a grant reviewer in the Shimmer Community Grant committee?”
And adding the information
- “Read the application letter of this candidate here:…” which will contain a link to the candidates’ application letter in the forum. This ensures that all Firefly voters have the ability to have all information about every candidate at hand.
Programm Lead Vote Process in Phase3:
In the governance overview tab of the wallet, we will use the sentence:
- Vote for the Shimmer Community Grant Committee Lead here
And for the direct vote execution, use the question:
- Which of these listed candidates should be the Lead of the Shimmer Community Treasury Grant Committee?
And adding the information
“You can only choose one candidate.”
“Read the proposal for the Committee Positions here:…” which will contain a link to the candidates’ application letter in the forum. This ensures that all Firefly voters have the ability to have all information about every candidate at hand.
The principles of the Shimmer governance framework will apply to the selection of the grant committee members.
One “participation event” - “Shimmer Treasury Committee Grant Reviewers” that contains the 10 Questions for Grant reviewers with only one “Yes” answer for each question
One “participation event” - “Shimmer Treasury Committee Lead” with a single question and up to 10 answers for the Program Lead candidates.
The quorum for the vote is 5% of all “maximum achievable votes” used for the voting based on the whole participation event (not on individual Questions level).
This means that if one question reaches the participation of 5%, the whole voting process for the participation event is valid, and a quorum for the whole event has been reached.
The Winner of the Lead vote will become the Committee Lead. The second and third, etc., will not automatically become grant reviewers.
Open positions would be according to the current Specification:
4 Grant reviewers
3.1.2 The Grant Reviewers
- The grant reviewers are tasked to work on assess and review subnmitted proposals for grant payouts. They do this on the basis of a part-time service provider contract with the Tangle DAO LLC.
- Each set of committee members (IOTA and Shimmer) operates a 3 of 5 Gnosis multi-signature wallet respective to the community treasury they manage, with a required 3 out of 5 signatures for any operation (like spending funds or adding or removing members).
- The Lead will assign reviewers to work on proposals based on their qualifications, experience, and availability.
- Grant reviewers will operate on a service provider contract with the Tangle DAO LLC.
- The grant reviewers will be compensated for their time at USD 50 per hour. Compensation will be paid from the respective “Shimmer Committee USDT budget” and “IOTA Committee USDT budget” based on the submitted hours per committee.
- The Tangle DAO LLC will compensate the grant reviewers based on providing a maximum of 10 hours per week, and they will sign a 12-month service provider contract.
- The committee members will select one of the four reviewers as the Co-Lead. The Co-Lead acts on behalf of the Committee Lead in cases of sickness, holidays, or leaving. If the lead resigns, the Co-Lead continues the operation and organizes an election of a new Lead through a community vote.
- If the Programm Lead is unavailable/sick/on leave and the Co-Lead needs to fill this position, the Co-Lead will be compensated for this extra time at the same rate the program lead receives at $70 per hour and can invoice up to 40 hrs per week during his time filling in for the program lead.
1 Program lead
3.1.1 One of the committee members is the Program Lead, which, besides reviewing funding requests, takes care of all administrative tasks and reporting and coordinates the committee member’s work for the IOTA and Shimmer community treasury funds. Program leads tasks and responsibilities specific to the operations of the Tangle DAO LLC
- Ensure that Tangle DAO LLC always maintains an operational legal status.
- Ensure any binding governance votes by the community do not task the Tangle DAO LLC to conduct illegal activities or could lead to lose its non-profit status. Any community governance proposal that would incite the LLC to lose its registration or non-profit status will be declined in the initial proposal process. The program lead will be responsible for getting a legal statement from the LLC legal representative and presenting it to the community in case of an dispute about the decline.
- The lead will ensure that all payments invoiced or requests to the Tangle DAO LLC are paid out in a timely manner and accounted for publicly.
- The program lead will ensure that the LLC’s legal documents in the GitHub Tangle DAO LLC Documentation are up-to-date. The lead will also liaise with the LLC legal representative if new legal documents are required.
- The program lead will maintain the website and ensure the domain stays active while correcting any process errors promptly.
- The program lead will ensure all committee members and/or consultant hours are tracked seperately between the two community treasuries (IOTA and Shimmer) and shown in the public accounting ledger.
- The program lead act as the signing agent for the Tangle DAO LLC in case the community approves the LLC to bind a contract(s). Program leads tasks and responsibilities specific to the operations of the Tangle Community Treasury grant committees
- The Lead will promote the program, identify directions for funding, and has a thought leadership role in guaranteeing the program’s success.
- The Lead is directly involved in grant reviews and allocates suitable reviewers to work on proposals based on their qualifications and experience.
- Further, an important part is the ongoing coordination with the second ecosystem funding program run by the Tangle Ecosystem Association and the initiatives of Shimmer Growth Committee to ensure effective alignment in the goals and directions of the community grants program.
- The Lead will organize bi-weekly treasury working meetings for the committees elected by the IOTA and Shimmer communities. Each week, the program lead will schedule a treasury meeting. Each Treasury will share the hours incurred if committee members represent the IOTA and Shimmer community.
- The Lead will promptly and transparently complete all financial and asset accountings while maintaining independent ledgers between the Shimmer and IOTA committees.
- The Lead will complete quarterly transparent reports for each community on how the community funds were used.
- The Lead will act as the first public contact for anyone that wants to approach the committee besides funding requests.
- The Program Lead will be contracted by Marshal Island DAO LLC, which acts as the legal entity of the program and offers limited liability and the needed legal structure to ensure a safe operation.
- To establish this contract, the Program Lead shall have a legal entity (company, LLC, GmbH, etc.) set up in its home jurisdiction to engage in agreements and manage the Tangle DAO LLC.
- The Lead will be compensated for his time at USD 70 per hour.
- The Tangle DAO LLC will compensate the program lead for a maximum of 40-hours-per-week as a sum of both community treasury committee activities, and both parties will sign a 12-month service provider contract. Compensation will be paid from the respective “Shimmer Committee USDT budget” and “IOTA Committee USDT budget” based on the submitted hours per committee.
- Runner-ups for reviewer positions can move into the committee based on demand or changes in the selected committee structure. If a selected member wishes to leave the committee, the next runner-up will be offered to take over the position. If no replacement can be found, a new community selection process for this position needs to be started.
Wishlist skills for the Grant reviewers (not a must, but it would be good to have):
- One seasoned Dev (full-stack preferred) with smart contracts experience
- One Project Manager with multiple years of experience
- Someone with a financial background or that has worked for a VC or an incubator already
- Someone with expertise in Grant evaluations and Grant programs
Wishlist skills for the Lead (not a must, but it would be good to have):
- The Lead should have great communication skills and experience in leading successful teams.
- The Lead should be able to create presentations and documents for the community.
- The Lead should also be familiar with accounting and budget calculations to keep track of the committees’ finances and do the required reporting.
- Deep understanding of Web3 and DLT ecosystems
- Experience working as a grant reviewer or with grant programs
- Outsiders from other ecosystems are welcome!
Maximum achievable votes:
- The number of votes that would theoretically be possible to count if
- 100 % of all circulating tokens would participate in the vote during all milestones that the counting period consists of (milestoneIndexStart until milestoneIndexEnd)
- Calculated as Total token supply x number of milestones in the counting period
- The maximum achievable votes are based on the circulating supply of tokens on milestoneIndexStart of the votes counting period.
Remarks on Edits to this Document made on May 24th, 2024:
Changes made to this document include the removal of tasks by using “strikethrough,” related to the ceased TEA Growth Committee, which does not exist anymore; therefore, these tasks are not part of the requirements of Committee members anymore and can therefore be ignored.
Another Change was made to include the currently defined tasks and responsibilities as decided in previous Governance votes and as recorded in the Operation Agreement of the Tangle DAO LLC (link to the current legal Document in their GitHub provided)
Finally, the links to the application categories have been updated to the newest version.