The Tangle Community Treasury 2024-2025 Term - Reviewer Application Category

It’s Election Time!

The Tangle Community Treasury has operated as a success over the 2023 to 2024 term and has done so due to the awesome Reviewers we have had. Each year elections are held to either re-elect the current reviewers, or, if any community member wants to apply they have the chance to.

The committee of the Treasury not only supports the positive growth of the ecosystem through grant funding, but is also a voice of the community. It is our job to always seek the consensus of the community and prioritize their best interest first and fairly.

Additionally the fully detailed Tangle Community Treasury framework can be found at: Operation-Agreement/Exhibit C - at main · Tangle-Community-Treasury-DAO/Operation-Agreement · GitHub

If you are willing to accept the above conditions then we look forward to any community member apply. Please use the template found at the link below to submit your application as a topic in this category.

You are responsible for following this System in your daily work.

  • Understand the selection process and how you can be elected as a Grant Reviewer.

Grant Reviewer’s Tasks and Conditions

  • Tasks:

    • Team leads (if community approves Treasury organizational revision) spend up to 20 hrs per week or less. The program lead will designated two reviewers to be team leads and assign them to either the Shimmer or IOTA treasury. There responsibilities include:

      • Reviewing vetted proposals by the program lead and assigning reviewers.
      • Adding the grant proposal to its designated channel.
      • Ensure that reviewers complete their grant reviews in a timely manner.
      • Act as grant manager for the assigned treasury grants they lead (ie. IOTA or Shimmer).
      • If a technical grant submit milestone and final deliverables to Akkodis.
      • Work as a single team (the committee) to make strategic decisions for the Treasury to include funding strategies, ecosystem liquidity support, how to innovate the Treasury to be more decentralized and community governed, and support empowering the community.
      • Be a multisigner on multiple SAFEs holding the Tangle Community Treasury assets. Note, it is important to be regularly available for signing.
      • Attend weekly treasury meetings to discuss strategy, grant schedules, and operations.
      • All reviewers, team leads, and program leads submit their hours to an online hour tracker. All activities are submitted in detail to the web time tracker.
      • All committee members are required to conduct KYC and sign a contractors agreement with the Tangle DAO LLC.
    • Reviewers spend up to 10 hrs per week or less reviewing assigned grants. Their duties include:

      • Reviewing assigned grants by the team lead.
      • Work as a single team (the committee) to make strategic decisions for the Treasury to include funding strategies, ecosystem liquidity support, how to innovate the Treasury to be more decentralized and community governed, and support empowering the community.
      • Be a multisigner on multiple SAFEs holding the Tangle Community Treasury assets. Note, it is important to be regularly available for signing.
      • Attend weekly treasury meetings to discuss strategy, grant schedules, and operations.
      • All reviewers, team leads, and program leads submit their hours to an online hour tracker. All activities are submitted in detail to the web time tracker.
      • All committee members are required to conduct KYC and sign a contractors agreement with the Tangle DAO LLC.
  • Conditions:

    • Compensation: 50 USD per hour (net) of time approved per the position.
    • Sign a service provider contract. Payments will be based on invoice or submitted hours.
    • Will be required to KYC and sign NDA and Conflict of Interest policy
    • Will be required to reveal any affiliations to projects that could cause a conflict of interest and will be excluded from decisions on such grant applications
    • You are required to have the needed communication tools to fulfill this position (own Computer, strong Internet connection, two Ledger Nano Hardware Wallets to operate the Multisignature Wallet)

Please be proactive in responding to questions from the community about your application, your person, and the information you provide in this application.

Attempts to cheat or provide false information can result in excluding you from the selection process.