[SGP - 0011] Tangle Community Grant Committee - Lead selection
Simple Summary
The Poll below contains the candidates that completed Phase 1 of the Tangle Grant Committee selection process and are therefore qualified to participate in this Phase 2 poll. You can find a summary of the Phase 1 process here.
You, as a voter, can select only one of these candidates to become the Tangle Community Treasury Committee Lead.
The final decision on who will become the new Lead will happen in a Phase 3 vote with Shimmer Tokens. This vote will be initiated if one of the listed candidates receives 100 supportive votes in this Phase 2 Poll.
This Poll will be open for seven days and close on Sunday, June 16th, at 4 p.m. UTC.
Only forum members with Trust Level 1 (basic user) or above are eligible to vote in this Poll.
Please vote for the candidate you support in this Poll:
Linus Nauman @Linus Read the application letter of the candidate here
JD Sutton (DeepSea) @Deep_Sea Read the application letter of the candidate here
Proposal Name, question and answers, and optionally additional information
Note: Due to the nature of this selection process, we can only add the final participation event details to this file once the final result of the Poll is available (which will determine which candidate. We will add these details once available and present the final version of the event file for confirmation.
Proposal Name, question and answers, and optionally additional information
Proposal Name:
[SGP - 0011] Tangle Community Grant Committee - Lead selection
Which of these listed candidates should be the Lead of the Tangle Community Treasury Grant Committee?
Answer 1
Preferred display name candidate 1
Additional info 1
Read the application letter of the candidate here & link to proposal
Answer 2
Preferred display name candidate 2
Additional info 2
Read the application letter of the candidate here & link to proposal
Participation event of the proposal
Note: Due to the nature of this selection process, we can only add the final participation event details to this file once the final result of the Poll is available (which will determine the order of candidates to be displayed in Firefly) and once we have a definitive date when Firefly will be ready to vote (which will determine the exact milestones). We will add these details once available and present the final version of the event file for confirmation.
"name": "[SGP - 0011] Tangle Community Grant Committee - Lead selection",
"milestoneIndexCommence": 10420382,
"milestoneIndexStart": 10541342,
"milestoneIndexEnd": 10662302,
"payload": {
"type": 0,
"questions": [
"text": "Should Candidate \"Candidate 1\" become the Program Lead of the Tangle Community Treasury?",
"answers": [
"value": 1,
"text": "Yes",
"additionalInfo": "Read the application letter of the candidate here: "
"text": "Should Candidate \"Candidate 2\" become the Program Lead of the Tangle Community Treasury?",
"answers": [
"value": 1,
"text": "Yes",
"additionalInfo": "Read the application letter of the candidate here: "
"additionalInfo": ""
"additionalInfo": "Read the full proposal here: link to the proposal"