wiwi - Grant Reviewer Application 2024 - Round 2

1.) Preferred Display Name and Age (If you do not want to enter your age, enter that you are above 21 years of age, which is the minimum)

Name: wiwi

Age: above 21 years of age

Social Media Handles

Twitter: @djdksnel - x.com

Discourse: wiwi - Profile - wiwi - govern.IOTA

Reddit: none

Linkedin: none

Discord: none

Telegram: @wiwigreen

2.) What motivates you to apply for this position?

As a software engineer and DeFi degen, IOTA interesting but it is too traditional. Although crypto can have many aspects, it should embrace change in order to attract more users. My goal is to help IOTA understand the changes in DeFi.

3.) What is your educational and professional background?

Educational Background

  • Master of Electrical Engineering

Web3/Crypto Background

4.) What experience do you have relevant to this position (grant reviewer, Project manager, etc.)? Please describe

As a defi degen invested in DeFi, I use my own money to invest in projects. However, before committing my own funds, I trust DYOR, so I analysis of the revenue sources and risks of each defi project.

5.) Are you a software developer? If yes, please provide info on your skills and proof of the projects you already have built/worked on (Github, languages, certificates, etc.)

I haven’t built a defi project yet, but I have this idea. I usually write some tools to monitor on-chain data and interact with defi projects.

6.) Do you have affiliations that may cause a conflict of interest when reviewing applications? The community would like to know particularly if reviewers are involved with projects as a creator, on the board, or employed. Please list any projects or applications you have affiliations to.


7.) Are you willing to sign a legally binding service provider contract and reveal and verify your identity through a KYC process with the legal entity of the Treasury Committee?

Note: KYC is required for this position. If you are unwilling to KYC and sign a service provider contract, you will not be accepted to the Shimmer Community Treasury.

Yes - If yes, delete no and type statement: yes - I am willing to KYC and sign a service provider contract with the Shimmer Community Treasury.

8.) Can you commit 10 hours weekly on average to work as a grant reviewer for the Shimmer community over the next 12 months?

Yes - If yes, delete no and type statement: yes - I am willing and able to commit 10 hrs a week to the Shimmer Community Treasury.

9.) If you are voted in the top 2 reviewers, you may have the option to join the Growth Committee and work with the TEA representatives. In this case, you may be required to work hours over the required 10 hrs per week. Are you able to commit to this if required?

Yes - If yes, delete no and type statement: yes - I am willing and able to commit to the Growth Committee and the Shimmer Community Treasury if required.

10.) Are you willing to sign a service provider contract, including an NDA with the Tangle Ecosystem Association, and respect the Non-Disclosure Agreement if selected as a member of the Growth Committee? Breaking the Non-Disclosure Agreement may bring consequences financially and or legally.

Yes - If yes, delete no and type statement: yes - I am willing to sign a service provider contract and Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA). I absolutely will respect all binding effects within such agreement contracts.

11.) Provide any web links or supporting documentation you would like the community to see when assessing you for the Shimmer Community Treasury Grant Reviewer position.

Enter text and web link below.


12.) What is your long-term vision of the Shimmer Community Treasury? How do you see the Community Treasury affecting the Shimmer & IOTA ecosystem, and what does the Shimmer & IOTA Ecosystem look to you in three years?

Enter text paragraphs here.

IOTA and shimmer must develop their unique characteristics, and not only evm. Currently, too many chains are doing the same thing. Several thing can focus

  • Make more use cases fee-free like user payment or wire transfer

  • Enhanced native support for privacy

  • More government adoption is needed to achieve an endorsement effect, encouraging businesses to invest and build.

  • focus the infrastructure

Do you support my application as Grant Reviewer?
  • Yes
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