Phantom3D - Grant Review Application

1.) Preferred Display Name and Age (If you do not want to enter your age, enter that you are above 21 years of age, which is the minimum)

Name: Phantom3D

Age: 39

Social Media Handles

Twitter: @Phantom_3D -

Discord: Phantom3D

2.) What motivates you to apply for this position?

To make sure the funds of the Treasury are spent responsibly and efficiently for the good of our ecosystem.

3.) What is your educational and professional background?

Educational Background

  • Bachelor in Computer Science, Oslo Metropolitan University

Web3/Crypto Background

  • Active in the IOTA community since 2017

  • Supported people in the community. (#Help and #Firefly channels)

  • Wallet testing

  • Moderator in IOTA/Shimmer Discord

  • Started the Norwegian IOTA/Shimmer Discord

Professional Background

  • 12 years as Team leader for IT Support and Installation

  • 2 years as Lead test engineer (current)

4.) What experience do you have relevant to this position (grant reviewer, Project manager, etc.)? Please describe

After 14 years in IT related positions I have been a part of both small and large projects from planning to production.

5.) Are you a software developer? If yes, please provide info on your skills and proof of the projects you already have built/worked on (Github, languages, certificates, etc.)

No, I have some experience with Typescript, PHP and Powershell. As a tester I already work closely with developers in an agile environment.

6.) Do you have affiliations that may cause a conflict of interest when reviewing applications? The community would like to know particularly if reviewers are involved with projects as a creator, on the board, or employed. Please list any projects or applications you have affiliations to.

Moderator on the official IOTA/Shimmer Discord server

7.) Are you willing to sign a legally binding service provider contract and reveal and verify your identity through a KYC process with the legal entity of the Treasury Committee?

yes - I am willing to KYC and sign a service provider contract with the Shimmer Community Treasury.

8.) Can you commit 10 hours weekly on average to work as a grant reviewer for the Shimmer community over the next 12 months?

yes - I am willing and able to commit 10 hrs a week to the Shimmer Community Treasury.

11.) Provide any web links or supporting documentation you would like the community to see when assessing you for the Shimmer Community Treasury Grant Reviewer position.

12.) What is your long-term vision of the Shimmer Community Treasury? How do you see the Community Treasury affecting the Shimmer & IOTA ecosystem, and what does the Shimmer & IOTA Ecosystem look to you in three years?

I see it becoming a well-respected Treasury, loved by the community and trusted to make the right decicions by our whole ecosystem.

Do you support my application as Grant Reviewer?

  • Yes
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