[Vote] Selection of validators for IOTA Secure Multi-party Computation Platform

Shimmer EVM is around the corner. Since the MPC (Secure Multi-party Computation) support important utilities on Shimmer EVM like bridge and oracle, we will need to launch it on the upcoming official Shimmer EVM beta soon to test the product. In order to achieve this, we will set up 6 validators to run the testnet nodes first. Among the 6 initial validators, 5 will be voted in this post and 1 will be reserved for Shimmer Governance treasury. In the previous post, we have already got 7 applicants. You can check the previous post below to know more about the duty and requirement about the validators and the background of the 7 applicants.

Once you are ready, you can move on into the voting session. You can vote for 1-5 applicants and please make sure you only vote for the applicants that you believe that they are capable of the requirements for validators. (The vote is only open to users with trust levels 1-4)

The vote will last for a week and close at 9:00 A.M CET, Feb 1st.

  • Janneman
  • TangleSwap
  • ShimmerSea
  • Iotabee
  • Soonaverse
  • SPYCE.5
0 voters

Once the vote is done, we will move into the set up process and get ready to launch on Shimmer EVM offical beta. At the same time before the Shimmer EVM mainnet, we will get ready with a more refined Governance framework for the MPC platform and let the community to vote for it.


Done, full speed support


Great picks. Wishing you all the best.


Has voted! Great teams!

1 Like

Done, my first vote on govern.iota

