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Please note: is a governance and research discussion forum. Read this before posting.


Welcome to govern.IOTA!

Govern.IOTA offers a place for extensive and productive discussions and exchange of ideas regarding the governance of IOTA and Shimmer.
Discuss the current and planned features of the protocol, the Shimmer, and Assembly networks, and use it as a forum to interact with the IOTA Foundation and other community members around the ongoing development of the IOTA2.0 protocol.

Please help us by ensuring that comments, questions, and contributions are meaningful and constructive.

For general IOTA discussion, technical support, and all other purposes, please use Discord, reddit, or StackExchange.

Privacy policy:
We refer to the privacy policy of the IOTA Foundation. The policy can be found here: IOTA Privacy Policy | IOTA

Forum rules:
All posts and activities in this forum must follow the terms of service. Please ensure to follow these. Otherwise, you risk sanctions by the @admins and @Governace_moderator of this forum.