Thanks for bringing this up. Very important to talk about and excellent ideas from everyone.
A possible solution is having two entities, a centralized body which is transparent has strict criteria to access and is overseen by a legal body. This entity is essentially a grant system and can be accessed by bigger players who are going to build/ significantly value add to the space, as well as go through the slower/ longer & more arduous but important grant application process essentially like any government grant you go for.
Another entity is community driven and essentially acts as an opt in (see tangleswap proposal) where the people who opt in to the DAO, donate some of their shimmer and are rewarded in kind with airdops/ token access as well as a vote in who gets access to the treasury.
One issue which needs to be kept in mind with onboarding particularly quickly is that if it is performed poorly and the funds are spent without good forethought you will end with the typical crypto boom bust cycle. A whole heap of hype with limited infrastructure because you are throwing tokens at people to onboard them will likely be worse for the platform than slow organic growth.
Another factor to consider, is it is important to onboard developers but it is equally important to onboard users (obvious I know) but if you get a whole heap of builders with no end users both will die off.
Better to build something that works, let there be natural ecosystem growth and let the platform gain some momentum on its own. Bigger players who need access to funding can go through a grants process and the smaller teams can go through the community DAO.
If the IOTA tech is as good as I believe it to be people will onboard themselves.